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Avondale Literacy Hub

Avondale Literacy Hub

Avondale Elementary School District is committed to growing every student as a thinker, problem solver, and communicator, to pursue a future without limits. To support this vision, the district has embraced new opportunities following COVID-19’s impact on third-grade ELA performance and high absenteeism at Lattie Coor School, which serves a PreK-1st grade and special needs preschool population. In partnership with Read On Southwest Valley and Valley of the Sun United Way, Avondale ESD implemented a community literacy hub. This initiative focuses on evidence-based practices to strengthen early literacy and support families, creating a comprehensive solution to enhance student success. The program's core tenets include:

  • Collaborate with outside agencies to provide services/resources to families
  • Involve parents so they are engaged in their child’s learning
  • Ensure students read outside of the school day and develop a love of literature and learning

Lit Hub History

In July of 2021, the percentage of students that could read at grade level post-pandemic decreased due to the COVID pandemic.  Valley of the Sun United Way came to us with an idea:  what if Avondale ESD along with other Read On Communities throughout the state worked together to create literacy hubs to match each district's context.  The underlying idea was that these hubs would provide a welcoming environment to invite families back to campus after COVID and leverage community partnerships and parent resources to make a difference in student literacy achievement.  The first grant application, Innovative Approaches to Literacy, was born. Although the Read On Community groups demographics data did not qualify us to be reviewed for this award, the vision remained - and we were not going to let it go!


Another funding opportunity presented itself and we again applied with other Read On Arizona Communities and the support of Valley of the Sun United Way.  This time we were successful, and our Literacy Hub was realized!


Implementation of the hub began during the 2022-2023 school year on the Lattie Coor campus.  This location was chosen because of the Community of Schools proximity and the Reading data that showed this area of the district stood to benefit the most from the hub.   Our vision was to create a welcoming literacy environment that could be used by all families district-wide to support student reading achievement and provide continuous development resources for parents, including GED books in English and Spanish, Rosetta Stone licenses and through other resources such as Cox campus.  Pairing parent training with literacy tutoring, collaborating with community partners such as Make Way for Books and Play and Learn, and hosting literacy nights for families, we are taking steps every day to bridge the gap and set our students up for literacy success - all hands on deck!


Resources for Parents & Staff

Physical Resources

  • GED books in English and Spanish
  • Literacy activities and games that parents can do with their children
  • Laptops with internet access to access websites such as Cox Campus and other parent resources
  • Flyers for other organizations that also support literacy and child development, such as:
    • Make Way for Books (Parents and children ages 3 to 5)

    • Candelen Play and Learn (Parents and their child aged birth - 5)

    • "Let's Talk Dads" (Six-week virtual series of group sessions for fathers of young children under age four)

  • Children's books that can be checked out after school hours when the Literacy Lounge is open
  • Kindles available for check-out
  • Cell phone charging stations
  • Keurig



Parent Literacy Engagement Nights

Family Literacy Training Events select evenings with free books for participants.

Lit Hub History

Summer in the Lit Hub!

Plan to join us for our Summer Lit Hub.  We offer resource checkout, home support, family game time, and much more, Mondays through Thursdays from 8 a.m. – 12 noon.  

The 2025 summer schedule coming soon!

2024 Golden Bell Promise Program Award Winner