Exceptional Student Services will provide a rigorous and highly engaging, individualized education. The district utilizes research-based practices in teaching and learning, while collaborating with parents to ensure our students with disabilities become successful members of their communities. We are in the business of providing excellent customer service to our students and their families as they navigate the special education process. We provide a continuum of services for all of our learners, from preschool through 8th grade, to ensure we are supporting each of our students to achieve success.
For ESS Parents
All school districts and charter schools are required to annually administer the nine-question State Performance Plan Indicator 8: Parent Involvement Survey to all parents of students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Your opinion is very important. Please fill out the survey based on your experiences with your child's school.
Child Find Information
The intent of Child Find under both federal and state requirements is to ensure that all children ages birth-21 years with delays or disabilities are identified, located and evaluated in order to receive needed early intervention supports or special education services. Public agencies responsible for providing these supports and services are obligated to actively search to "find" children who may be eligible and conduct an eligibility determination process that includes screening and evaluation according to state established criteria.
Early intervention supports and services assist families of eligible children aged birth to three to help their child develop to his or her full potential and, to the maximum extent possible, participate in the daily activities and routines of their families and communities with greater independence and competence.
Special Education for preschool and school aged children provides specialized instruction and supports and/or related services to assist children in reaching their developmental milestones and in participating in developmentally appropriate activities, including accessing the general curriculum and in benefiting from their educational environment.
For more information on this subject, please call the ADE/Child Find Unit at (928) 637-1871, DES/AzEIP Office at (602) 635-9799 or (800) 237-3007 or the Children's Information Center at (800) 232-1676. For additional support for parents of children with disabilities, you can also contact Raising Special Kids at (602) 242-4366 or (800) 237-3007.
Exceptional Student Services Department Contacts
Dr. William Butler
Director of Exceptional Student Services
Tyler Morton
Assistant Director of Exceptional Student Services
Dr. Samara Way
Lead Psychologist
Mary Lazok
SPED PreK Supervisor
Audriana Gates
Compliance Coordinator
Jackie Cota
ESS Secretary (Records Request)
Virginia Pacheco
Medicaid Secretary