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Registration Requirements


Registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. If you have a student(s) entering grades K-8, you will need to complete a new enrollment for this child. You may begin the registration process online through the ParentVue portal (instructions below) or download and complete a paper packet available below. Parents/guardians will need to present the required documents below in person for verification to finalize enrollment.


Required Information

The Avondale Elementary School District requires the following information for registration:

  • Certified birth certificate
  • Up-to-date immunization records.  Visit the Arizona Department of Public Health for the most current AZDPH Immunization Requirements.
  • Report card / withdrawal form from previous school
  • Copy of IEP (if applicable)
  • Proof of residency (please provide ONE from the following list)*
    • Valid Arizona driver's license
    • Valid Arizona motor vehicle registration
    • Valid Arizona address confidentiality program authorization card
    • Property deed
    • Mortgage documents
    • Property tax bill
    • Rental agreement or lease (including Section 8 agreement or off base military housing)
    • Utility bill (water, electric, cable, gas or phone)
    • Bank or credit card statement
    • W-2 wage statement
    • Payroll stub
    • Certificate of tribal enrollment (506 Form) or other identification issued by a recognized Native American tribe located in Arizona
    • Other documentation from a state, tribal or federal agency (Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration, Arizona Department of Economic Security, etc)
    • Temporary on-base billeting facility (military families)

* If you are living with someone else, please print the Affidavit of Shared Residence Form which must be notarized prior to submitting to the school. 

Affidavit of Shared Residence Form_English

Affidavit of Shared Residence Form_Spanish

Please note: email is not a secure form of communication.  If you choose to submit your registration forms by email, you accept the risk that the information submitted may be seen by a third party. By submitting your registration forms by email, you acknowledge this risk and waive your rights related to the submission under the family educational rights and privacy act.

Online Registration

Families may now register new students online through our ParenVue portal. To access the online portal, you will need to create a ParenttVue account. If you already have a child in an Avondale ESD school, you may use your existing ParentVue account. Please see the guides below for assistance in navigating the registration portal. For additional assistance,  please contact our Information Systems Specialist at 623-772-5097 or e-mail