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Title I – Families

Title I – Family Engagement

Avondale Elementary School District invites the active involvement of all parents and family members.  We believe that every child can succeed academically and partnering together as a team, both schools and families, is a powerful strategy to ensure success.


Please engage in your child’s education with us! 


The following information and documents are provided to keep parents informed.

Title I FAQs

  • Title I, which was first enacted in 1965, and is the federal government’s primary aid program for disadvantaged students.  


    Title I-A is a section of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that established these programs. It is formula-funded based on poverty levels as determined by free and reduced meal application status.   


    All of the schools in Avondale Elementary School DIstrict are School-wide Title I schools.


  • The purpose of Title I is to provide all children with a significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, high-quality education and to close educational achievement gaps. Title I supports our Title I schools to help ensure every child has access to an excellent education.

  • Title I programs vary between schools, and may include Master Teachers to provide additional support and training for staff, tutoring and summer programs, and a variety of teaching methods and materials.

Avondale ESD Parent Resources

State Parent Resources