Avondale Elementary School District invites the active involvement of all parents and family members. We believe that every child can succeed academically and partnering together as a team, both schools and families, is a powerful strategy to ensure success.
Please engage in your child’s education with us!
The following information and documents are provided to keep parents informed.
Title I, which was first enacted in 1965, and is the federal government’s primary aid program for disadvantaged students.
Title I-A is a section of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that established these programs. It is formula-funded based on poverty levels as determined by free and reduced meal application status.
All of the schools in Avondale Elementary School DIstrict are School-wide Title I schools.
The purpose of Title I is to provide all children with a significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, high-quality education and to close educational achievement gaps. Title I supports our Title I schools to help ensure every child has access to an excellent education.
Title I programs vary between schools, and may include Master Teachers to provide additional support and training for staff, tutoring and summer programs, and a variety of teaching methods and materials.
A key component of an effective Title I School Program is increasing Parent and Community Engagement in the education of children. Arizona believes Parent and Community Engagement will lead to the successful education of students.
Resources links provided by the Arizona Department of Education
Read On Arizona is committed to helping create an early literacy system that delivers the right program at the right time for every child.
A key component of an effective Title I School Program is increasing Parent and Community Engagement in the education of children. Arizona believes Parent and Community Engagement will lead to the successful education of students. For more information on ESSA, please visit Arizona Department of Education website to see the ESSA State Plan..