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Student Achievement & Assessment

AESD believes in the importance of a comprehensive assessment program that supports students in knowing where they are going, where they are now, and where to next.

State Testing

The Arizona Department of Education requires all 3rd-8th grade students to take Arizona’s Academic Standards Assessment (AASA) annually in ELA and Math. In addition, 5th and 8th grade students are required to take Arizona’s Science Test (AzSci). These state tests are to measure student performance on Arizona College and Career Standards. 

Students in the 3rd grade must meet the requirements of the Move on When Reading law in order to be promoted to the 4th grade. Learn more about Move on When Reading.

District Assessments

AESD uses both benchmark assessments and common formative assessments throughout the year to monitor student progress, provide targeted interventions, and help students develop their own learning goals.

AESD uses DIBELS to measure growth in reading for students in kindergarten-3rd grade. Students are tested three times a year at the district level in the following measures: First Sound Fluency, Letter Naming Fluency, Nonsense Word Fluency, Phonemic Sound Fluency, Oral Reading Fluency, and the DAZE. Progress is continually measured by teachers.


Standards-Based Report Cards for Grades K-5

AESD utilizes a standards based report card that provides more information about what students know, understand, and can do. This report card is the result of work done by a committee of teachers, and administrators who wished to improve communication about how students progress on meeting grade level standards. The report card is aligned with the College and Career Readiness Standards and has been designed to give the maximum amount of information in a clear format. The report card shows how well students are progressing at meeting state standards. It is federal law that we must teach, assess and report progress by standards.

The Kindergarten through 5th grade report card proficiency scale will be updated to align to the AzMerit State Assessment.  The new proficiency scale on the K-5 report cards are as follows:

  • HP = Highly Proficient/Altamente Competente
  • P = Proficient/Competente
  • PP = Partially Proficient/Parcialmente Competente
  • MP = Minimally Proficient/Mínimamente Competente
  • NG = Not yet assessed/Aún no evaluado

Parents: Each school has a Curriculum/ Open House Night in August to explain the report cards in more detail. If there are any other questions, please contact your student's teacher or building principal. 

For additional information, please watch the Common Core Standards Video Explanation.

Student Achievement Assessment Contact

Michele Anderson