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Governing Board Home

Governing Board


Welcome to the Avondale Elementary School District and thank you for your interest in the affairs of the district. We appreciate the support we receive from our families and community!

The Avondale Elementary School District Governing Board consists of five members, who reside within the school district boundaries, and are elected to 4-year terms.  The board operates pursuant to Arizona Law and Governing Board Policies.

Governing Board meetings are usually held once per month.  Meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Avondale ESD District Office in the Dr. Frances Ybarra Amabisca Governing Board Room located at 295 W. Western Avenue, Avondale AZ 85323, unless otherwise posted.  Governing Board Room doors open 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.

All regular, special, and emergency meetings of the Governing Board are open to the public except during executive sessions. By Arizona Law, executive sessions may be called by the Governing Board to discuss personnel matters, pending legal matters, property purchases, student disciplinary actions, and employee negotiations. Notices of all meetings are posted at least 24 hours prior to each meeting at the at the Avondale ESD District Office or online.  To view or obtain a copy of the agenda electronically, visit Avondale District’s BoardDocs website. For more information, contact the Governing Board secretary at (623) 772-5000. 

Governing Board Members

President: Mrs. Leticia Castro
Vice President: Mr. David Griego
Board Member: Mr. Mark Gonzales
Board Member: Mr. Robert Vernier
Board Member: Dr. Heather Raithel

Group photo of five school board members posing and smiling